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Under A Pink Moon Elixir

Moon Stages

Products of The Month

šŸŒæ Welcome to the Enchanting Realm of April's Awakening! šŸŒæ

Step into the mystical embrace of April, where the whispers of transformation and the promise of summer's embrace linger in the air. As we embark on our Countdown to Summer Slimdown journey, let us unveil the magical elixirs and flower essences that will guide you on this transformative path.


šŸŒ¼ Weight Management Elixir & Sugar Helper Elixir šŸŒ¼ Embark on your Countdown to Summer Slimdown with our Weight Management Elixir and Sugar Helper Elixir. Crafted with care and infused with the essence of spring, these elixirs support your wellness journey by aiding in appetite control and sugar cravings, helping you achieve your summer body goals effortlessly.


šŸŒ± Spring Cleaning Flower Essences šŸŒ± As the energy of TCM spring "liver" season fills the air, embrace the rejuvenating power of our new flower essences. From tomato to cucumber, each essence offers unique benefits to support detoxification, renewal, and vitality during this season of cleansing. Tomato boosts digestion, morning glory revitalizes, cucumber refreshes, cilantro detoxifies, dandelion purifies, crab apple cleanses, aloe soothes, and mint invigorates. Embrace their magic and let them guide you through your spring cleaning rituals with grace and ease.


āœØ New Additions from Our Private Collection āœØ Introducing butterfly bush, bleeding heart, and autumn olive flower essences from our exclusive private collection. These rare essences carry the essence of transformation, healing, and renewal, offering a deeper connection to the magic of nature and the wisdom of the flowers.


šŸ”® Quantum Balancing Crystal - Aqua for the Higher Heart Chakra šŸ”® Align with the gentle energies of the Aqua Quantum Balancing Crystal, resonating with the higher heart chakra. Let its soothing vibrations open your heart to compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love, as you navigate the currents of transformation and growth.


šŸŒø Celtic Wheel of the Year Essences šŸŒø In tune with the Celtic Wheel of the Year, we feature willow and alder tree flower essences. Embrace the wisdom of the ancient Celtic traditions as you honor the cycles of nature and align with the energies of renewal and rebirth.


šŸ¦‹ Garlic Flower Essence for Protection šŸ¦‹ As the season blooms, safeguard yourself and your beloved pets with garlic flower essence. Embrace its protective energies to ward off ticks and bugs, ensuring a season of outdoor adventures filled with joy and vitality.


Step into the enchantment of April, where every blossom holds the promise of transformation and every breeze carries the whispers of magic. Join us for our transformative programs and our Full Pink Moon Sound Journey.  Embrace the journey, set your intentions, and let the enchanting energies of spring guide you towards a season filled with wellness, renewal, and radiant vitality. šŸŒøšŸŒŸ

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