Under a Wolf Moon Elixir Blend Bottle .5 oz
Under a Wolf Moon January Elixir: This elixir is a hand crafted blend of Birch Tree flowers, Snowdrop and Carnation flower essences, elixirs of Wolf Spirit and Rhodolite Garnet gems. This is a great blend to work with your new year or new beginnings in a grounded way as you foster roots for that which you wish to call forth. This blend brings in circulation and reconnection to the physical and emotional parts of us so that we can get our new year goals off to a healthier start in an integrated and balanced way. Bring in a divine spirit and deep connection with the earth and sense of community. This blend can help your new beginning have more sure footedness, laser focus on your goal and the balance between clearly defined self and the greater world around us. Joyfully and confidently move forward with your intentions or what you are hunting for. Have a stronger sense of self worth and an openness to receiving that which you are deserving or wanting to manifest. This is a helper when it is time to shed past angers, cleanse it away and arrive with a cleansed slate, and a peaceful heart, mind and spirit. This elixir aids in doing the bigger inward work during the colder darker time of the year. Color: Red (Root), Gold (Solar Plexus), Brown (Earth Star) and Platinum.
Information and Meditation card is included with your bottle to help you connect with the essence and work with it on a deeper level.
Flower essences are liquid, vibrational remedies that work on the energetic body to bring your whole being back into balance. Flower essences ARE NOT essential oils. and not about SCENT.
Note: If we are sold out, feel free to contact us if you are interested in ordering. We make very small batches as this is an expensive product to create. We would be happy to put you on our reserve list to get the next available when we create another batch. Essences and Elixirs are available individually (unblended) upon request.
Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. We are not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final. Sold as a curio and a dietary supplement.
Policies and Product information
All sales are FINAL! Due to the energetic and consumable nature of the products we are unable to accept returns. Product Care: Please do not leave your essences in extreme temeratures i.e. a hot or cold car or a fridge. Do not store in direct sunlight. Do not store next to Euchalyptus or Tea Tree essential oils!