Snapdragon Flower Essence stock
🌿Snapdragon Flower Essence stock
Scientific Name: Antirrhinum majus
Healing Properties: Snapdragon flower essence is known for its powerful ability to harmonize and clear blockages in the throat chakra. It helps release pent-up anger, frustration, and aggression, encouraging clear, compassionate communication. It supports emotional expression, making it especially helpful for those who struggle with speaking their truth or articulating their feelings.
Indications for Use: Ideal for those who experience tension in the jaw or throat area, feel suppressed in their ability to communicate, or harbor repressed anger. It's also beneficial for public speakers, performers, and anyone needing to express themselves more freely.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Connections: Snapdragon aligns with the Metal element, which governs the lungs and large intestine. It's particularly useful during autumn, helping to release grief and sadness while enhancing communication. It aligns with the TCM Honorary Hour of 3 AM to 5 AM, governed by the lungs, supporting the release of grief and enhancing breathing and communication.
Chakra and Elemental Correspondences: Snapdragon is strongly connected to the throat chakra (Vishuddha) and resonates with the element of Air, facilitating the free flow of ideas and communication.
Planetary Correspondences: Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Snapdragon helps clear mental clutter and enhances verbal expression.
Traditional Western Herbological Information: In Western herbalism, Snapdragon has been used to treat inflammation and as a mild sedative. It was also traditionally used to combat infections and clear up skin conditions.
Color Correspondences: Yellow Snapdragon resonates with clarity, optimism, and joy, while Magenta/Dark Pink Snapdragon connects to deep emotional healing, compassion, and inner strength.
Magical and Spiritual Associations: Snapdragon is associated with protection, both in the physical and energetic realms. It's known to ward off negative energies and bring clarity to situations where the truth needs to be spoken.
Mantra and Affirmation:
- Mantra: "I speak my truth with clarity and confidence."
- Affirmation: "I release tension and embrace my authentic voice, expressing myself freely and without fear."
Ritual Use:
Snapdragon flower essence is powerful in rituals focused on communication, self-expression, and releasing pent-up emotions.
Communication Enhancement Ritual: Use Snapdragon essence in a ritual to open your throat chakra and enhance your ability to speak your truth. Anoint your throat with the essence while visualizing a clear, light blue light radiating from your throat chakra, helping you communicate clearly and confidently.
Releasing Pent-Up Emotions: Incorporate Snapdragon into a ritual aimed at releasing anger, frustration, or unexpressed emotions. As you take the essence or anoint yourself with it, visualize those emotions dissolving and being replaced with calmness and clarity, especially during a waning moon phase.
Creative Expression Ritual: Snapdragon can stimulate creativity and expressiveness. Add a few drops of the essence to a candle or a diffuser while engaging in artistic activities like writing, painting, or singing. Focus on letting your creative ideas flow freely without self-criticism.
Conflict Resolution: If you're facing conflicts or misunderstandings, use Snapdragon essence in a ritual to promote understanding and clear communication between parties. Light a blue candle, take the essence, and visualize a peaceful resolution where all voices are heard and respected.
Empowerment Ceremony: Include Snapdragon in rituals designed to boost your self-confidence and empower your voice. Stand in front of a mirror, anoint your throat and heart chakras with the essence, and repeat affirmations that reinforce your sense of worth and your right to be heard.
"Unlock the power of your voice with Snapdragon Flower Essence—speak your truth, express your creativity, and let your authentic self be heard."
An information and meditation card is included with your bottle to help you connect with the essence on a deeper level.
Note: Flower essences are liquid, vibrational remedies that work on the energetic body to bring your whole being back into balance. Flower essences are NOT essential oils and are not about scent.
We do NOT treat, cure, or diagnose ANYTHING. Anything on this website is in reference to strictly energetic and vibrational contexts. Please seek the appropriate professional medical, legal, or mental health professionals when needed.
Legal: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase this item. We are not liable for misuse of this item, nor any activity or occurrence that may or may not occur in connection with this item. All sales are final! Sold as a dietary supplement. The FDA has not evaluated this product. Sold as a curio.